Everyone of us have the same 24 hours and yet some ask for more, especially for those who are chasing their dead lines and everything in between in regards of life.
For a voracious or for an addicted reader the back log of “to read” compiled already against the time needed to read them can be a quite hurdle and I'm already hitting on it so loud.
Years ago I do randomly read books. You can count it on your fingers, some I'd finish, some doesn't but in the end I do forget them whether its non-fiction or fiction. One of my memorable read was the Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis, I sided loaded it in my Kobo Glo while reading in the hospital and able to finish it with tears in my eyes.
I also read some Makoto Shinkai's novel based from his animated movies from the past years, I just got curious if there's a difference between the movie and the novel.
Self-Help Me
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck is a good read, the writer put spicy words to pitch his message but all I can say it's just the same message overall like the other self-help or personal development authors.
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth. I already forgot but it's already in the word itself. Hard workers with better alignment in their goal can achieve things.
Knowing God and the Sweetness of Christ
Around 2019, I did a change of menu to Christian authors, was able to read some books of Ravi Zacharias, Paul David Tripp, Jerry Bridges, Timothy Keller, Max Lucado and many more. This was my start again to burn my kilay to some Christian authors which I also did back in highschool.
That continue when the pandemic was started by some people during 2020. I did pick up and read, Paul Washer, J. C. Ryle, J. I. Packer and Michael Horton. Some are heavy book, some are heavy booklets. When I say heavy because of their theological content. I loved Thomas Watson's All Things For Good but not able to finish it.
I'm Turning Japanese, Watashi-desuka?
Then half-way of 2020, the weeb was reborn. I don't regret it, it just fuel the fire for me to read more. The author change to a Japanese menu. Reki Kawahara, Nisioisin, Tappei Nagatsuki and a ton of JP light novel author. The current series I was able to finish is A Certain Magical Index that have 22 volumes. It was a 6-month read. Most of Japanese light novel are still on-going (50+ volumes), running since 2009. By the end 2021, I read 104 volumes for about of 30+ titles. As of writing I'm on a 50+ LN volumes read. It's a quite feat. Someone buy me those Banner of Truth multiple volumes!
The manga is not included here.
A Change of Seasoning with Multiple Flavors
As of writing, I'm reading some titles from those different flavors above but no self-help one, I'm thinking Atomic Habits would be good but I'll read it for another day as I want to plan things to read for next year. My interest to read classics and fantasy books (not light novels but novels) is getting high, but I would not touch the known ones that already had their box office in the motion picture media.
Any book recommendation?